About RNKB

Rumah Nur Kasih Bestari is a center that carries the welfare and education needs of orphans and poor people, single mothers, disabled persons and those who are eligible to receive zakat..

Education and Welfare Center.


History has proven where the Prophet (peace be upon him) was known as an orphan. Even most of God's people like the Apostles and Prophets since childhood were further separated from their mother and father. This is because a person who is exemplified by his mother and father often relies solely on mother and father causes him to forget to rely on God.

That is why God's people have separated God from mother and father so that he is strongly dependent on God. Even if his mother and father did not die like the Prophet Yusuf but he remained separate from his mother and father for 40 years. Even the Imam as Imam Syafie and Imam Ghazali have also been separated from his mother and father since childhood. Therefore, being an orphan is not an insult but God wants to glorify.


"The smartest person is most people remember death "

So let's make every thing what God bestows, whether wealth, intelligence, knowledge, rank and everything as a bridge to God and that we may be safe from the trick of the world.