Background of Rumah Nur Kasih Bestari

Rumah Nur Kasih Home Organization opened in December 2009 from 12 students and has now accommodated 80 children by hiring 4 homes and helping the needy families who live with their families.

The Rumah Nur Kasih Bestari (PPM-019-14-11072012) is set up with a sense of responsibility to provide education and attention to the underprivileged children starting from stage 2 to 6 years of age, primary school (year 1 to year 6) , as well as adolescent teens from middle school students (Form 1 to Form 5) which currently account for almost 50 people. We also open up opportunities for them to pursue their studies in universities in the Middle East or absorbed them as part of their proficiency after graduation

Goals of Rumah Nur Kasih Bestari

Nur Kasih Bestari organization aims at promoting the harmonious and peaceful society. Highly prioritize other people's interests rather than themselves. In it there is a close relationship between the rich and the poor by making virtue a peaceful and harmonious community agenda. The rich man serves as a bank to the people. They are able to solve the problem of the poor. The result of the wealthy rich man, the poor man is defended. Islamic societies are becoming more and more powerful and strong in humanity. As a result of loving relationships, life will be peaceful and harmonious. That is the society that all human beings want on this earth.